Don Moen has again release another soul uplifting song for Christmas titled My Christmas Prayer. The sensational music minister featured Rachel Robinson on this latest breaking ground sound. you can’t afford to miss this song.
Check out below and Download.
The lights of the city shine bright red and green
But sometimes the season is not what it seems
In heartache or joy let me rest in Your care
Be near me Lord Jesus
This is my Christmas prayer
The wise men brought treasures
The shepherds bowed down
The angels were singing their glorious sound
I have no great riches no gift to impart
What can I give You
Lord I will give my heart
Be near me Lord Jesus I ask You to stay
Close by me forever I pray
Through the storm through the night
Hold me close by my light show the way
Bless all of Your children we need Your embrace
We hunger for mercy and long for Your grace
Our grateful devotion is all we can bring
We praise You we bless You
Jesus our Savior and King
Be near me Lord Jesus I ask You to stay
Close by me forever I pray
Through the storm through the night
Hold me close be my light
Through the storm through the night
Hold me close by my light show the way
How great is the gift just to know You are there
Be near me Lord Jesus
Be near me Lord Jesus
This is my Christmas prayer